Led by career coach Carol R. Anderson, this workshop demonstrated how to write a targeted, persuasive, evidence-based letter that bridges the gap between a job posting and your resume.
Watch the RecordingThis hands-on workshop offered tips on identifying and articulating one’s accomplishments and impact in the organizations for which one has worked or volunteered. Attendees learned how to build and sequence the presentation of their accomplishments tailored for each specific opportunity. They also discussed the use and misuse of AI and how to format a resume […]
Watch the RecordingGuided by an interactive worksheet and a customized slide deck, sociologist and university professor Alfred Babo and “joy coach” Kimberly Kenyon helped participants begin to develop a personal statement that captured their strengths, experiences, and aspirations. Dr. Alfred Babo is an alumnus of both the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund and Scholars at Risk and sits […]
Watch the RecordingIn this interactive workshop, participants learned to decode and analyze job postings, identify key requirements, evaluate fit, anticipate interview questions, and tailor their applications. The session was not recorded to protect attendees’ privacy, but the facilitator has kindly provided her slides. “Joy coach” Kimberly Kenyon has more than three decades of experience as a career […]
Watch the RecordingAmericans like to believe that anyone can succeed if they work hard enough. But in reality, no one can succeed alone, especially in a new country. In this webinar, you will learn how to use LinkedIn and other tools to build a network to connect you to information, opportunities, and other people who can help […]
Watch the Recording